I’ve been so busy traveling this summer I didn’t even had the time for posting new recipes ! I’m finally back home a few weeks and trying to catch back on my cooking and baking schedule.
If there is one intolerance I don’t like when I cook it is the egg intolerance… I love eggs and I find it quiet essential in many sweet recipes. Dairy-free, gluten-free I don’t mind but egg-free can be such a challenge !
My sister is breast-feeding and it seems that her baby doesn’t feel very well every time she’s eating eggs. So when she visited two weeks ago I devoted some time to develop an egg-free cookie recipe because she just LOVES cookies and I LOVE my sister… I’m so surprised I very quickly nailed it and this recipe is really really delicious and gluten-free too ! The secret to that perfect texture and taste is yoghurt in place of eggs. I used my 24 hours fermented homemade yoghurt so it was lactose-free but you can use greek yoghurt too.

Cookies sans oeufs / Egg-free cookies
Course: All intolerances40
200g de beurre mou
softened butter200g de cassonade
brown sugar100g de sucre de canne
cane sugar120g de yaourt (fermenté 24h pour les intolérants au lactose)
yoghurt (fermented 24h for the lactose intolerants)1 C.à C. de bicarbonate alimentaire
tsp baking soda1 C.à C. de sel
tsp salt400g de farine sans gluten
gluten-free flour50g de flocons d’avoine
oat flakes300g de pépites de chocolat noir
300g dark chocolate chunks
- Préchauffez un four à 180°c. Dans le bol d’un robot pâtissier, battez le beurre avec la cassonade et le sucre en crème. Ajoutez le yaourt et mélangez.
Rajoutez la farine, le sel et le bicarbonate alimentaire et mélangez. Incorporez les pépites de chocolat.
Preheat an oven to 180°C. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the butter with the brown sugar and can sugar until creamy. Incorporate the yogurt.
Add the flour, salt and baking soda and mix. Stir in the chocolate chunks. - A l’aide d’une cuillère à soupe, formez des boules rondes avec la pâte, de la taille d’une balle de ping pong et placez-les sur une plaque de cuisson recouverte de papier sulfurisé en laissant un espace d’au moins 5 cm entre chaque. Enfournez pour environ 10 minutes ou jusqu’à ce que les cookies soient dorés. Laissez-les complètement refroidir sur la plaque avant de les manipuler.
Using a tablespoon, shape pieces of dough into round forms the size of a ping pong ball and place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, leaving a space of at least 5 cm between each. Bake for about 10 minutes or until the cookies are golden. Let them cool completely on the baking sheet before handling.
- Ces cookies ont tendances à s’étaler assez fort pour former des cookies peu épais avec des bords croustillants et un centre légèrement tendre. Faites attention de bien les laisser refroidir avant de les manipuler pour éviter qu’ils ne cassent.
- These cookies tend to spread a lot and end up into crispy more thin than thick cookies with a slightly gooey center. Make sure they have cooled completely before handling them otherwise they will break.